Rabble Collective News & Events

what we’re up to together and apart

gallery view of mulitple nimrod covers over the years

Nimrod International Journal of prose and poetry

Somayeh is the Fiction editor for Nimrod, and the rest of us sometimes read submissions for publication. Check out Nimrod’s open calls for submissions here and submit your work.

March 3, 2021: “how do we get free?” at awp21

Inspired by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s How We Get Free, Rabble Collective will look at how writers get free through their writing. We will discuss authors - with a focus on women and women of color - who have written about liberation, how to protect our imaginations in challenging times, and the complex difficulties women artists encounter in their search for freedom. Feeling the agency of the moment, our panelists, poets and prosers, will share instruments they apply in their quest for freedom.

Vermont Studio center Writer to Writer:

Caroline M. Mar & Francine Conley

Rabble poets Carrie & Francine talked poetry, first books, and the value of writing residencies in this conversation hosted by Vermont Studio Center.

October 2020